Our Supporters
Glassophonic is extremely grateful to those individuals who gave us our start by backing our Yuni on Kickstarter during our April-May 2013 campaign! As a way to thank them, we recognize them here for their contributions, without which the Yuni project would not be where it is today.
❦ Tom Barringer
❦ Nina Bild ❦ David Bishop ❦ Elena Broslovsky ❦ Steve Buckley ❦ Peter Colantonio ❦ Luke D. ❦ Jazmen Day ❦ Elizabeth Dinkins ❦ Darragh Duffy ❦ Ron Dutra ❦ Kevin Ehmka ❦ Epg ❦ Dana Fisher ❦ Ari Freuman ❦ Bruce Gamble ❦ Jonas Govaerts ❦ Victor Grassiano ❦ Lynn Marie Guthrie-Libby ❦ Gabrielle Hecht ❦ Jesse Heredia ❦ Michael Hoit ❦ jcip ❦ Alan Karasin ❦ John Eric Killinger, The Intermundia Press, LLC |
❦ Shane Knapp
❦ Brendan Lonergan ❦ Jack Lowey ❦ MZ2ZS ❦ Tammy Macdonald ❦ Tahmid Mannan ❦ Saumya Maru ❦ Barry McNamara + Sierra Warnock ❦ Daniel M Meyer ❦ Patrick Neil ❦ George Nudell ❦ Liba Nudell ❦ Kingsley Odiase ❦ Jillian and Stephen Powell ❦ Produsa ❦ Ted Perkins ❦ Frank S. Phillips ❦ Justin Quaranta ❦ Preeti Rajendran ❦ Amy Robinson ❦ Andrew Rogers ❦ Carolyn A. Rogers ❦ Jason Rosenberg ❦ Tova Shatz ❦ Robert L. Simmons, Jr. ❦ John Sims |
❦ Andrew Sink
❦ Anastas Semenov ❦ Mark M. Spradley ❦ Benoit STEPHENSON- BARRIERE ❦ David Studhalter ❦ Art Surges ❦ Ryan Svoboda ❦ Tara Sweeney ❦ Laura Thompson ❦ Dana Thomson ❦ Michael Toto ❦ Joseph Tsui ❦ Sarah Tuttle ❦ Richard Wallace ❦ Jason Weile ❦ Thomas Wendoll ❦ Greg White ❦ Khendi White ❦ Robert Williams ❦ Prince Wolf ❦ Danny ZZZucho |